
These are exams that take place in-person and under invigilated exam conditions, the same way that they are for handwritten exams.


These are exams that take place in-person and under invigilated exam conditions, the same way that they are for handwritten exams. Instead of completing your answers on a paper script, you use your own personal laptop to type your answers and submit electronically.

e-Exams differ from online assessments: e-Exams are taken in-person and under exam conditions; online assessments are taken at home.

Log into Digiexam via My Apps by following the steps below. Do not log into Digiexam via the desktop app as it won't recognise your LSE log-in credentials. (Please note: A New version of Digiexam App will be released in due course, departments will be informed of any updates, please watch for communications from your departments.)

If you haven't download the app before, please follow the instructions in the "Getting started on Digiexam" tab below.

Please note: We are aware that students have experienced issues with the latest version of the DigiExam student app. DigiExam is actively working on a solution to resolve the system bugs. Departments will be provided with updates in due course.

  • Go to https://aka.ms/myapps and select the Digiexam icon. We recommend adding the MyApps webpage as a bookmark on your browser.
  • The Digiexam webpage will open. Click on “Open Digiexam app” in the top right corner of the webpage.
  • The Digiexam app will open and you'll be logged in automatically.

Please see the e-Exams Guide for LSE students for more information.

Digiexam - what is it?

Digiexam is an online exam platform used in over 50 educational institutions in dozens of countries around the world. Digiexam locks down your personal device to create a secure exam environment where you can write your answers. You won't be able to exit the software until the exam is submitted.

At LSE, Digiexam is currently the only permitted software on which students can sit centrally scheduled, in-person, e-Exams, unless a student has a specific exam adjustment in place permitting the use of a word processing software. Technical difficulties or individual preference are not permissible reasons to use an alternative software, such as Word.

e-Exam enabled courses

The list of e-Exam enabled courses for 2024/25 is here.


Centrally scheduled e-Exams information

  • As a student, you take your exams in the Digiexam application which you'll need to install on your device.
  • The 10-digit Exam ID to access your exam on Digiexam is provided on the day of the exam, in the exam room. You won't be given this in advance.
  • During an exam, your work automatically saves every 10 seconds to both the Digiexam server and locally to your device. In the unlikely case that your device crashes or freezes, the exam can easily be restored without the risk of losing any of your work.
  • The Digiexam application has full offline capabilities, so you won't be affected during the exam if the network goes down.
  • While we strongly encourage students to use Digiexam where applicable, you'll always have the option to handwrite. You don't need to inform the Student Services Centre or your Department ahead of your exam.
  • Support is available in exam rooms from dedicated e-Exam Support Assistants (ESAs) to troubleshoot issues with logging in, accessing your exam, or submitting your answers.
  • When you submit your answers, the answer file is automatically saved using your LSE Candidate number. There is nothing in the filename, document or document properties that would enable markers to identify you.

Device requirements

  • It is your responsibility to make sure your laptop is in full working order and brought to the exam room with as close to maximum battery charge as possible. Your device must have a battery capable of lasting the length of your exam, plus time to set up beforehand and submit your work at the end of the exam - usually two to three hours. Please test your device to check that this is the case.
  • The only additional item that may be brought into an exam room is a portable power pack. You won't be able to use a charging point in the exam room.
  • Your device must be a laptop or a tablet device with an integrated keyboard. Tablet devices without an integrated keyboard are not suitable. Your laptop must have a USB or USB-C port. In the unlikely event of wi-fi connectivity issues, the e-Exam Support Assistants will use a USB device to enable you to submit your answers. 
  • Please see the device requirements for downloading and using Digiexam (for different operating systems and the hardware required). The Digiexam software is supported on Windows and Macbooks and well as iPads. Please note that your device should also meet the requirements above.
  • What if I'm experiencing difficulties sourcing a suitable device?
  • Please contact your department who may be able to assist you with sourcing a suitable device on a short-term basis.

Setting up your device, additional instruction for Mac users

  • Eduroam is the recommended wi-fi network (LSE email and regular password), make sure that you have this as a saved network before entering the exam room. Guidance on how to connect to eduroam can be found on this webpage.
  • Please note that downloading the Digiexam app is an essential step before entering an LSE exam room. You will not be given additional time or support to set up the app in an exam room. Please see details on how to do this below.
  • To reduce the risk of background applications interfering with Digiexam, apply settings on this webpage before all of your e-Exams.
  • Connectivity issues during an exam may occasionally require an e-Exam Support Assistant to use a USB drive to unlock your attempt on Digiexam, or allow you to submit your work. Apply the settings on this webpage to minimise the chances of further complications during this process. 

Getting started on Digiexam

  • See the guide here for how to download and use Digiexam on your device.
  • Set up your account and download the app to your device before entering an LSE exam room. You won't be given additional time or support to set up the app in an exam room.
  • The Digiexam demos available on the Digiexam application vary from how the software is used at LSE. If you'd like to practice on Digiexam, contact your teaching department.
  • On the day of the exam, you'll receive the specific 10-digit Exam ID required for accessing the exam on Digiexam. Please ensure you use only this designated 10-digit exam ID.

Who can I contact for support?

Contact your department for advice and support regarding how e-Exams will work for your courses, how to access the practice exams and for information regarding drop-ins or mocks.

Contact DTS at tech.support@lse.ac.uk for any technical issues such as accessing and installing Digiexam.

Contact the Student Services Centre for any other queries.

Frequently Asked Questions - general and preparation

Why is my course not e-Exam enabled?

e-Exams are still being introduced at LSE, the implementation was started by the LSE Law School who have been running e-Exams over the last few years.

The following departments introduced e-Exams for certain courses starting in the Spring 2023 exam period:

  • Anthropology
  • Economic History
  • Geography and Environment
  • Health Policy
  • International History
  • Language Centre
  • Sociology

And the following departments from the beginning of the 2023/24 academic year:

  • European Institute
  • Government
  • International Development
  • International Relations
  • Methology (including exams for certain Media and Communications courses)
  • Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method
  • Psychological and Behavioural Science
  • Public Policy
  • Statistics

 Which wi-fi network should I be connected to?

Eduroam is the recommended wi-fi network (LSE email and regular password), you should save this network before entering the exam room. Guidance on how to connect to eduroam can be found on this webpage.


I am resitting from a previous academic year or I have deferred an assessment from a previous academic year, can I do my exam on Digiexam?

You'll take your resits/deferred assessments in the same method as the year you had teaching. That is, if your exam was not e-Exam enabled when you had teaching, you won't be able to use Digiexam for your resits/deferred assessment.


What if I have been approved to sit overseas?

If you are sitting exams overseas, you won't be able to use Digiexam and will need to handwrite.


How will my CEAs be affected?

  • If you currently have CEAs, your adjustments such as extra writing time or rest breaks will be provided as normal in e-exams.
  • If your CEAs include use of a PC, your exam will take place in a PC room and you'll have the option to use Digiexam on your own device or Microsoft Word on an LSE PC which is not connected to the network.
  • You don't need to indicate your choice in advance. Like all students, you also have the option to hand-write your exam.
  • If your CEAs include a letter of notification (LoN), the department will be informed of this so they can take it into account when marking your e-Exams.
  • If you currently have CEAs that you believe may need to be updated, please contact the Disability and Mental Health Service for guidance and support.


Can I receive any financial support?

If you are experiencing unexpected financial difficulties then the LSE Financial Support Office (FSO) may be able to help. Please note that there is not a fund specifically for e-Exams. See their webpages for further details.


What if I am experiencing difficulties sourcing a suitable device?

Contact your department who may be able to assist you with sourcing a suitable device on a short-term basis.


I don’t have a USB/USB-C port on my device, can I use it to sit the exam?

Your device must have a USB or USB-C port. In the unlikely event of wi-fi connectivity issues, the e-Exam Support Assistants will use a USB device to enable you to submit your answers. If your device does not have a USB or USB-C port, please try and source an alternative device.


I can’t access the exam because there’s an application on my device that won’t close, what should I do? 

You must close all other applications before entering the exam room. Digiexam will force other applications close but this can take time and slow down accessing your exam. If this is an issue when you are practising using the software, contact DTS (tech.support@lse.ac.uk) to see if the app in question can be disabled.


Do e-Exams work the same way for other departments?

Yes, exams are centrally scheduled and the settings/instructions will be the same for all departments. Please note that not all courses are e-Exam enabled, see the e-Exam enabled courses tab above for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions - sitting an e-Exam

Where can I find more information about exam day procedures?

Section 8. of the Exam Procedures for Candidates contains e-Exams information, such as sitting the exam and the support available in exam rooms.


What can I have at my desk in an e-Exam room?

  • One device (laptop or tablet with an integrated keyboard). Please see the "What are the requirements of my device" tab above for more information.
  • A power pack, if you choose to bring one.
  • Your phone. This should be turned off and placed under your desk. If you need to use Multi-Factor Authentication for any reason, you must raise your hand for assistance.
  • You are not permitted to have any peripheral items e.g. external mouse, keyboards, laptops stands, etc. unless that item is part of your CEAs. If you have a documented medical, physical or mental health condition and/or a specific learning difficulty and therefore need additional equipment, please contact the Disability Wellbeing Service (DWS) to apply for CEAs or to update your current CEAs.
  • Any other allowed items. Please see section 4 of the Exam Procedures for Candidates for more information.

 What if something goes wrong with my equipment?

It is your responsibility to ensure that your device is in full working order before entering an exam room. Please see the “What are the requirements of my device?” section above for more details.

Support is available in exam rooms from dedicated e-Exam Support Assistants (ESAs) to troubleshoot any issues with logging in, accessing your exam, or submitting your answers. If the issue cannot be resolved by the ESAs immediately, you'll be given a paper answer booklet so you can switch to handwriting for the remainder of the exam. Your typed answers and handwritten answers will be matched up, to ensure all your work is marked. Please ensure you bring pens or pencils you in case you need to handwrite all or part of your exam due to a technical issue.


Can I choose to hand-write my exam?

Although we strongly encourage students to use Digiexam, you'll always have the option to hand write up to the start of the exam. You don't need to inform anyone of your choice in advance. Staff in the room will note the method you chose to ensure all work gets sent for marking.

If you're unsure about using Digiexam, please contact your department for advice and information about any drop-ins or mocks they may be offering.


If I handwrite in an e-Exam, will this affect how my work is marked?

Please be assured your work will be marked equitably. Markers will be looking at the quality of the answers, not the quantity, and you won't be marked down for writing your exam by hand. There may be some financial support available, if you are experiencing unexpected financial difficulties. The LSE Financial Support Office (FSO) may be able to help, please note that there is not a fund specifically for e-Exams. See their webpages for further details.


What is an Exam ID? Where will this be? Is the Exam ID the same for all of my e-Exams?

The Exam ID is a 10-digit code that you enter into Digiexam to access your exam. This is provided to you on the day of the exam in the exam room, you are not told the Exam ID in advance of entering the exam room. Exam IDs are different for each exam you sit, this includes centrally scheduled exams, mocks and practice sessions. If you would like an Exam ID to practise using Digiexam at home, please contact your department.


 Is Digiexam timed? Is there a clock in the application?

Digiexam doesn't have a timer, so your work won't be automatically handed in once the exam has ended. You'll be instructed on when to stop writing, and then instructed to hand in your exam. There is no clock inside the application.


Do I still have the same amount of time if I choose to handwrite?

Yes, the exam will be the same length if you choose to handwrite or type.


I'm an intercollegiate student and MyApps automatically logs into my home institution's dashboard, what should I do?

If this occurs, please sign out of your institutions' dashboard and sign in to your LSE dashboard.