Student Sports and Activities Committee (formerly Athletics Committee)

The Student Sports and Activities Committee (formerly Athletics Committee) consider the use and improvement of the facilities provided at the LSE Sportsground and elsewhere for games and activities coming within the purview of the Athletic Union, and to make recommendations in the first instance to the Student Experience Sub-Committee of Education Committee.

Committee Secretary

Susan Parsons

Tel: 020 7955 7090


Terms of Reference

  • The Student Sports and Activities Committee reports to the Student Experience Sub-Committee of Education Committee.
  • On behalf of the Student Experience Sub-Committee the Student Sports and Activities Committee is responsible for:
  • Considering the use and improvement of the facilities provided at the LSE Sportsground and elsewhere for games and activities coming within the purview of the Athletics Union, and to make recommendations in the first instance to the Student Experience Sub- Committee of Education Committee.
  • Decisions will be escalated as required to the Education Committee for approval.


Membership 2016-17
Chair: Professor Jo Murkens
Academic Board Nominee TBC
Academic Board Nominee TBC
Students’ Union AU President current LSESU Sports Officers
Students’ Union Physical Activity Coordinator  
Students’ Union Activities and Development Officer  
Students’ Union Sport Development Coordinator  
Students’ Union Sport and Recreation Manager  
Head Groundsman Steve Butter
Deputy Director of Facilities Management Alfred Bauer
Secretary Susan Parsons

Meeting Date

 The Committee meets once per year, during Spring Term.

Minutes, agendas and other papers

Minutes, agendas and other papers are only available on a regular basis to committee members. If you are a staff member and want to request them, please contact the Committee Secretary:

Susan Parsons 020 7955 7090

If you wish to make a Freedom of Information request for them, contact the School's Records Manager,