

Council is the Governing Body of LSE. It has ultimate authority and accountability for exercising LSE’s powers in pursuit of advancing education, learning and research for the public benefit.

How Council operates

Council makes decisions in accordance with LSE’s constitutional and legal framework and Articles of Association, available in our Governance Resources. The Articles of Association are underpinned by a supporting governance architecture, key components of which are set out on these pages.

The Articles set out that Council is directly responsible for:

  • approving LSE’s strategy
  • approving annual estimates of income and expenditure
  • approving the annual audited accounts
  • appointing (and removing) the Director
  • appointing (and removing) the School Secretary
  • making, altering, amending, repealing or adding to any byelaws or regulations made under the Articles, unless otherwise specified. 
  • Council may delegate other responsibilities where this is appropriate. See the Council scheme of delegation and the terms of reference of Council committees.

Membership 2024/2025

The articles provide for eighteen Council members, including independent, staff and student members. Each is a trustee, company director, and member of the School as well as a governor of LSE. Together they take collective responsibility for decision making. 

Council members' Declaration of Interest 

Independent Members (Up to 12 may be appointed)

Member Status Appointment End Date
Dr Susan Liautaud Independent (Chair) 31 Jul 2026
Ali Nikpay Independent (Vice Chair & Senior Independent Director) 31 Jul 2026
Sir Masood Ahmed, KCMG Independent 8 May 2026
Sonali De Rycker Independent 31 Dec 2025
Professor Tamar Gendler  Independent  31 Dec 2026
Sir David Higgins Independent and Chair of Finance and Estates Committee 31 Jul 2025
Johannes Huth Independent and Chair of Audit Committee 31 Jul 2026
Dr Musimbi Kanyoro Independent 31 Dec 2026
Gavin Patterson Independent 31 Jul 2027
Stuart Roden Independent and Chair of Remuneration Committee 25 Mar 2027
Dr Angela Spatharou Independent 31 Jul 2025
Vacancy Independent  

Internal Members (Up to 8 may be appointed)

Member Status Appointment End Date
Professor Larry Kramer President and Vice Chancellor   Ex-officio
Tito Molokwu LSE Students’ Union General Secretary Ex-officio
Marie Fuchs Students' Union nominee 30 Jun 2025
Professor Pauline Barrieu Vice Chair of Academic Board Ex-Officio
Professor David Kershaw Academic Board Nominee 31 Jul 2025
Professor Niamh Moloney Academic Board Nominee 31 Jul 2025
Professor Wim A Van der Stede Academic Board Nominee 31 Jul 2027
Julia Biggane Professional Services Staff  31 Jul 2025

Council minutes

We are committed to transparency in our decision-making.


7 May 2024 (PDF)

20 February 2024 (PDF)

21 November 2023 (PDF)

17 October 2023 (PDF)


27 June 2023 (PDF)

9 May 2023 (PDF)

21 February 2023 (PDF)

12 December 2022 (PDF)

22 November 2022 (PDF)

4 October 2022 (PDF)


5 July 2022 (PDF)

10 May 2022 (PDF)

22 February 2022 (PDF)

23 November 2021 (PDF)


6 July 2021 (PDF)

11 May 2021 (PDF)

26 March 2021 (PDF)

23 February 2021 (PDF)

24 November 2020 (PDF)

20 October 2020 (PDF)


23 June 2020 (PDF)

12 May 2020 (PDF)

11 February 2020 (PDF)

12 November 2019 (PDF)

03 October 2019 (PDF)


Hilary Hunter - Head of Governance Services. E:


 Council Committees

Terms of reference, membership, contact details and more

Governance Resources

Information about our legal and constitutional framework, key publications and guidance for committees.

Calendar of meetings

To view meetings of Council, please view our committee calendar page.

Council Standing Orders

Council Statement of Primary Responsibilities