Intercollegiate Enrolment

for students from other colleges

Students from other University of London colleges who wish to take a course at LSE as part of their degree can register as intercollegiate students

 intercollegiate students taking courses at LSE

Who can enrol?

Students from other colleges of the University of London who wish to take a course at LSE as part of their degree can register at LSE as intercollegiate students. In order to do so, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You should be currently registered on a University of London degree programme
  • The course you wish to take at LSE should form part of your degree programme. Visiting students (for example students on their junior year abroad) are not eligible for intercollegiate registration
  • You should be accepted onto your chosen LSE course of study by the academic responsible for it. The academic department responsible for your degree programme at your home institution will also need to approve of you taking the LSE course
  • The appropriate authority at your home college (normally the Registry) must give you permission to attend a course at LSE and agree to pay LSE's fee.

How to register

Students who meet the conditions outlined above must follow the steps below to register as intercollegiate students:

Download and complete the PDF form:
Download the Admission as an Intercollegiate Student Form (PDF) and complete all sections carefully. Ensure the following:

  • The relevant LSE academic has signed and authorised the form.
  • The appropriate authority at your home college has granted permission and signed the form.

Submit the completed form and a photo:
Once the Admission as an Intercollegiate Student Form is completed and signed by all necessary parties, use the button below to upload it through the online submission form, along with a passport-sized photo.

Intercollegiate Registration Form

Admission as an Intercollegiate Student

Please note: The form must be completed and submitted in one session. Progress cannot be saved.

  • Student Details
    Please enter your details below
  • Name
  • Term Time Address
  • Home Address
  • Home College Details
    You should be currently registered on a University of London degree programme
  • Details of the LSE course you wish to study (current year only)
    You should be accepted onto your chosen LSE course of study by the academic responsible for it. The academic department responsible for your degree programme at your home institution will also need to approve of you taking the LSE course
  • Form Upload
    Please ensure all sections are completed by your home college and others by the relevant LSE academic
  • Terms and Conditions
  • By submitting this form you agree to abide by the Conditions of Registration and by the Regulations of the School (including the Rules and Conditions of the Library and Information and Technology Services. Please refer to the Calendar ( for further information)

Photo guidelines:

  • The photo must be in JPEG (.jpg) format, no larger than 16KB.
  • It should be a full-colour image showing your full face and shoulders, with approximate dimensions of 300x400 pixels.


For courses beginning in Winter Term, you should aim to have your application with us by 5pm on 31 January 2025.



To become a fully enrolled student, all intercollegiate students will be required to undertake a two-stage registration process: Online pre-enrolment and Campus Enrolment. 

Please see our enrolment pages for further details at this link

You will receive an email notification when it is time to pre-enrol online for your course at LSE once your application has been processed.

As part of the online pre-enrolment process, you will activate your LSE network and email accounts. Once you have completed online pre-enrolment and activated your accounts, you will have access to online resources and teaching.

Campus enrolment takes place in-person and is where we will check your official documents, including passport and visa (if applicable). Documents must be originals. For details of what you need to bring with you please visit What to Bring to Campus Enrolment.

Once you have completed campus enrolment, you will be issued with your LSE Card, giving you access to campus and on-campus teaching and services.

Campus enrolment for intercollegiate students will take place during the Main Campus Enrolment Period on Friday 20 September and Monday 23 to Friday 27 September 2024 in the Marshall Building, 44 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LY (see map for campus location). Please see our Enrolment webpages for information.

If you are arriving on campus From Monday 30 September 2024, Campus Enrolment will take place in the Student Services Centre, Ground Floor, Old Building, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE (see map for campus location). You will need to book a campus enrolment slot via the Student Hub. Please see Enrolment and Arriving after Welcome for more information.

All intercollegiate students must pre-enrol and campus enrol by Friday 25 October 2024 for courses beginning 30 September 2024.


What LSE courses are available to Intercollegiate students?

This will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will depend on a number of factors, including but not limited to, the number of students currently enrolled on the course and the previous study that the prospective intercollegiate student has undertaken.

Please see the Academic Departments web page for details on the subject areas taught at LSE. The individual course guides for undergraduate and postgraduate students will provide detailed information on every course offered at the School, including the method(s) by which they are assessed.

Intercollegiate students who wish to take an undergraduate course in the LSE Department of Economics should first consult Undergraduate Programmes.

How can I find out when the courses in which I am interested will be taught?

The timetables website provides the times and locations of every course taught in the current academic year.

How do I obtain the approval of the LSE academic teaching the course I would like to study?

You need to make contact with the academic directly and arrange a time for them to sign the form. 

Many LSE buildings have restricted access, so it is advisable to make your initial enquiries regarding intercollegiate study by email.

The department teaching the course in which you are interested will have contact details on their website to which you can address your initial query.

Will I have to pay a tuition fee to the LSE for taking an intercollegiate course?

No, your home institution will agree to pay LSE's tuition fee on your behalf.

When and where can I collect my LSE ID card?

LSE ID card collection will be at campus enrolment in the Marshall Building during enrolment week on Friday 20 September and Monday 23 to Friday 27 September 2024. From 25 September campus enrolment and card collection will be from the Student Services Centre.


Why do I need an LSE ID card?

Your LSE ID card will provide access to School buildings, including the Library, and act as your library card. You will not be able to access LSE buildings until your LSE ID card has been issued.

How can I access my timetable?

Intercollegiate student timetables will be available via LSE for You

What happens if I fail an assessment?

It might be possible to fail an assessment but still pass the course overall depending on your other marks in those other assessments. Where you fail an overall course your Home Institution will first need to determine if you are eligible for a resit according to their programme rules and regulations. If they determine to allow you a resit your Home Institution will notify the LSE’s Student Services Centre who will re-enter you for that course. You will not resit/resubmit any assessment you have passed but your mark from a pass assessment will be banked and included to calculate your resit mark.

The undergraduate resit/resubmission period will take place in August 2025. Postgraduate students will resit/resubmit during the course of the next academic year.