Key contact numbers

Here are some of the key contact numbers you will need at LSE

Contact numbers
LSE Campus security help line : urgent enquiries  24/7/365   020 7955 6555 (internal 666)
LSE Campus security help line : general enquiries 24/7/365   020 7955 6200 (internal 2000)
LSE main switchboard (8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday) 020 7405 7686
Disability and Mental Health Service 020 7955 7767
Estates Help Desk (8:30am to 5pm) General enquiries: 020 7955 7956
Urgent enquiries: 020 7831 8713 (internal 2444) 
(ext 6244 from communal phones)
Estates Office General Enquiries 020 7955 6477
Lost Property Office 020 7955 7988
Student Wellbeing and Counselling Service 020 7955 7767
LSE Porters 020 7955 6760
LSE Postroom 020 7955 7989
LSE Reprographics 020 7955 7986
LSE Accommodation Office 020 7955 7531
LSESU Advice Centre 020 7955 7158
Mental Health Advisers 020 7955 7767
Student Services Centre - Advice team / General enquiries Student Services Centre
Tech Support Centre 020 7107 5000
Police, Ambulance, Fire 999
LSE Treatment Clinic
NHS non-urgent (24 hours) 111
Police non-urgent 101
Sardinia House Dental Practice 020 7404 8600
St Philips Medical Centre  020 7611 5131