Hardware and Software - what is available?

Software and Hardware Purchasing Guidelines

DTS are responsible for maintaining standardised hardware and supportable software configurations and therefore, they are the sole authority responsible for authorising orders for IT software and hardware on behalf of the School, regardless of the source of funding.  All IT related purchases will need have full approval and authorisation prior to purchasing. 

Hardware and software cannot be purchased without the approval of DTS, regardless of the source of funding.  Any purchases made without prior approval from DTS will not be reimbursed or recorded as an asset of the School. 

All requests for purchasing of hardware or software not available via the punchouts inside OneFinance, whether as individual items or as part of a larger project, must be sent to tech.support@lse.ac.uk, who will assist with your request via the DTS Hardware Asset Management team (HAM). 

DTS has a standard set-up procedure, (Auto-Pilot for Windows devices, DataJar for Apple devices), for new end-user hardware.  This procedure ensures the equipment is configured securely with the correct software and operating system versions, and is enrolled in our device management systems correctly.  This includes the set-up of accounts, anti-virus software, security marking the equipment and adding the item to the School's asset management database. 

Standard equipment

In order to maintain a consistent supply of hardware, the LSE has agreed a number of standard models of different hardware that are available to purchase through supplier punchouts via OneFinance.  The items available through the punchouts will meet the technology needs for over 95% of staff. 

Professional services staff (PSS) will be issued with a Windows device.  Any requests from PSS for an Apple device will only be considered if the device is required to perform their role and this cannot be achieved with a Windows device. 

Minimum recommended specifications and what are the implications?

Minimum recommended specification of new Windows PC/Laptop

  • Laptop/Desktop maker: DELL
  • Operating system: Windows 11
  • Processor: Intel Core Ultra 5
  • RAM: 16GB
  • Storage (Hard Drive): 512GB SSD
  • Laptop screen size: 13 inches

Minimum recommended specification of new Apple Mac

  • Operating system: macOS Ventura and newer
  • Processor: Apple M2 Pro chip
  • RAM: 8GB - 16GB (for performance users)
  • Storage (Hard Drive): 256GB SSD
  • Screen size: 13 inches

RAM (computer memory) is probably the most important specification you need.  RAM allows you to work with large files and/or have multiple applications open at the same time. 16GB is the LSE minimum recommended standard for Windows devices and 8GB for Macs, and these are suitable for most cases.  For users with high data processing, an increase in RAM would be recommended.

Processor has an impact on the speed of processing tasks, (in conjunction with the RAM), and Core Ultra 5 is the LSE minimum standard and suitable for most users.  A Core Ultra 7 would be recommended for more data intensive tasks and for very powerful computing DTS may recommend a Core Ultra 9.

Storage on a hard drive allows you to have more software installed and still be able to save your files directly on the PC.  The LSE minimum standard for Windows devices is 512GB and for Macs it is 256GB.

All devices now come with SSD, (Solid State Drives), which are quicker, smaller, and more reliable than their predecessors.  You have access to a significant amount of cloud-based storage, (OneDrive), as well which should always be used to save all your data and for backing up any files.  Higher capacity storage is available based on your requirements.

Standard hardware available to purchase

Standard catalogue items

You can order IT equipment such as laptops, desktops, MacBooks, iMacs, monitors etc. directly through the punchout catalogues available in OneFinance. These provide a direct link to our supplier's websites (Dell for Windows devices, and XMA for Apple). See below the available options:

Non-standard equipment (non-catalogue items/custom configurations/built to order

If you have specific requirements which are not fulfilled by our standard machines you may wish to order a custom configuration, or for items that are not available in the IT catalogue or available via supplier punchout in OneFinance, you will need to contact DTS to raise a quote from our supplier on your behalf.

Contact tech.support@lse.ac.uk outlining the required specification/configuration you require.

Please note that "configure to order" items are often built to order by the manufacturer and therefore time to delivery will be significantly longer, (6 weeks is an expected lead time generally), than standard catalogue items.

In all cases, we will meet these requirements through the School's approved suppliers. 

Hardware and software cannot be purchased without approval by DTS, regardless of the source of fundingAny purchases made without prior approval from DTS will not be reimbursed or recorded as an asset of the School.

Operating systems supported for purchases of new devices

Windows support:

  • DTS support Windows 11

Mac support:

  • DTS support only MacOS Ventura and higher for new purchases

Click here for further information on the operating systems currently supported at LSE


Software is available from the LSE Apps Store (Windows) or .mobi Self-Service (Apple).

DTS also provides software for home use.  Please contact tech.support@lse.ac.uk to discuss your requirements.

Any software installed must be legitimately purchased and licensed for use.  Any software used must additionally not break the Conditions of Use of IT Facilities at the LSE or Jisc's Acceptable Use Policy.

It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that any non-centrally licensed software is legitimately purchased, deployed and used.

Software licences that have not been used over the previous 12 months will be re- deployed.

Visio, Project, and Power BI Subscriptions

Subscription cycle and costing:  
For the current pricing of each application, please visit OneFinance. Subscriptions purchased mid-year will be billed on a pro-rata basis. The subscription period is aligned with the School's Microsoft Campus (EES) agreement, which renews every February. At that time, you can choose to renew for another year (March to February) or cancel the subscription. 

How to purchase a license:  
You can purchase a subscription for Visio, Project, and Power BI through OneFinance See below step-by-step guide on how to place an order for each product 

Visio PDF guide: Visio Subscription Step-by-Step Guide

Project PDF guide: Project Subscription Step-by-Step Guide

Power BI PDF guide: Power BI Subscription Step-by-Step Guide

Once the budget holder approves the requisition, the order will be placed with our supplier. After the supplier processes the order, the recipient will receive an email from DTS confirming that the license has been assigned, along with setup instructions. If installation assistance is required, please contact the LSE Tech Support team. 

How many devices can I install the application? 
Users can install the application on multiple devices, but it can only be used by the named user. 

Can I use a shared/generic email as a user account for a subscription? 
Generic/shared email addresses may not be used – only named uses can be used 

Can I transfer the subscription from one LSE user to another
Yes, this is possible, please contact the LSE Tech Support team for assistance. 

Can I use Visio, Project, and Power BI on Windows and MAC?
Yes, please see the compatibility details below. 







Project Online 

Project Online desktop client 


Project Online 




Visio Online 

Visio desktop client 

Vision Online 

Power BI 

Power BI Online 

Power BI desktop client 

Power BI Online 


Adobe Acrobat Pro Subscription (NEW)

Adobe Acrobat Pro is a software designed for creating, editing, managing, and sharing PDF (Portable Document Format) files. It is part of Adobe's suite of tools and offers a wide range of features tailored to professionals who work extensively with PDFs. Please remember that the Microsoft Office suite now allows you to export documents to PDF, so in many case Adobe Acrobat Pro may not be required. Edit PDF's in Microsoft Word & Add text & edit PDF's in Microsoft Edge

 Subscription cycle and costing:  

  • The current cost for the Adobe Acrobat Pro Subscription is £116.80 (VAT inc.) per year. Subscriptions will be charged on a pro-rata basis if it is purchased during the subscription year. The subscription year runs from April to March and is renewed annually. The software is licensed on a named user basis - Generic/shared email addresses may not be used.

How to purchase a license:  

To purchase an Adobe Acrobat Pro, please order through OneFinance See below step-by-step guide on how to place an order: 

Once the budget holder approves the requisition, the order will be placed with our supplier. After the supplier fulfils the order, the recipient will receive an email notification directly from Adobe confirming the license has been assigned to them. If assistance is needed with installation, please contact the LSE Tech Support team  

 How many devices can I install on Adobe Acrobat Pro?  

  • Adobe Acrobat Pro - allows user to install on multiple devices but can only be used by the named user. 

Can I use a shared/generic email as a user account for a subscription? 

  • Generic/shared email addresses may not be used – only named uses can be used 

Can I transfer an Adobe Acrobat Pro license from one LSE user to another  

  • Yes, this is possible, please contact the LSE Tech Support team 

Can I use Adobe Acrobat Pro on Windows and Apple devices? 

  • Yes, Adobe Acrobat Pro works on both Windows and Apple platforms 

Can I still use Adobe Acrobat Professional 2020 

  • Yes you may use your existing copy of Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020 for the time being however these licenses go out of support on 30th November 2025 and no further updates will be provided.

Adobe Creative Cloud (all apps)

Creative Cloud All Apps is a yearly subscription model that give you access to: 

Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, Acrobat Pro, InDesign, After Effects, Lightroom, Adobe XD, Animate, Lightroom Classic, Dreamweaver, Audition, InCopy, Character Animator, Capture, Adobe Fresco, Bridge, Adobe Express, Photoshop Express, Media Encoder, Aero, Adobe Scan, Fill & Sign, Acrobat Reader, Adobe Firefly 


The current cost for the Creative Cloud All Apps subscription is £214.50 per year (excluding VAT). The subscription is charged on a pro-rata basis until the agreement renewal (each year at the end of March). If you request a subscription partway through the year, the charge will be adjusted accordingly. The full annual fee will apply in the following year. 

How to purchase a license: 

To purchase an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, please order through OneFinance  See below step-by-step guide on how to place an order: 

Once the budget holder approves the requisition, the order will be placed with our supplier. After the supplier fulfils the order, the recipient will receive an email notification directly from Adobe confirming the subscription has been assigned to them. If assistance is needed with installation, please contact the LSE Tech Support team 

How many devices can I install the apps? 

  • Your Creative Cloud subscription lets you install apps on more than one device as long as the primary user of the device is the subscription holder. 

Can I transfer an Adobe Creative Cloud (all apps) license from one LSE user to another 

  • Yes, this is possible, please contact the LSE Tech Support team 

What should I order for a new hybrid working setup?

LSE uses a hybrid working standard for our computers.  This is based around a dual 24" monitor setup, with included webcam for online meetings, (as seen in Future Ways of Working).  This allows for shared use of workspaces; it also gives our users the flexibility to work remotely.

Standard setup: Windows laptop/desktop (dual screen)

Primary: DELL docking monitor - designed with a built-in dock, this screen also includes built-in webcam and speakers, wired network connection, USB hub and the ability to charge a standard order laptop.

Secondary: DELL standard monitor - designed to pair a docking monitor

Accessories: Keyboard/Mouse set and headset

N.B: Both monitors are also available in 27" at an additional cost.

Standard setup: Apple laptop (dual screen)

As above however, owing to hardware limitations, in order to have two external screens in extended mode, you will need to order a separate, specific dock (which has been verified as compatible).

Dock: Kensington SD4750P

Other options

Small space: Single DELL docking monitor in 24"/27" - ideal if space is at a premium.

Ultra-wide: DELL curved 34" ultra-wide docking monitor - the desktop real-estate of two monitors in a single screen.

Portable: DELL 14" Thunderbolt 3/USB C portable monitor - connects to your laptop with a single cable.

Converting existing setups: It may be possible to convert some existing setups to hybrid working, but we will need to undertake an assessment first.  If you require this, please contact Tech Support first via tech.support@lse.ac.uk


Loan Laptops for LSE Staff

The Hardware Asset Management (HAM) team provides loan laptops to LSE staff to help ensure continuity of work when a temporary device is needed. 

Who can request a Loan Laptop? 

Loan laptops are available only to LSE staff members who meet one of the following conditions: 

  • Their current LSE-issued laptop is broken and requires repair. 
  • Their new LSE laptop order has been delayed. 

As we have a limited number of loan laptops, we’re only able to offer them in these cases. 

To request a loan laptop please follow the below steps: 

Email tech.support@lse.ac.uk with the subject line: “Staff Laptop Request”. 

Provide the following details: 

  • End recipient's name and role 
  • Reason for laptop request 

Mobile phones

To order a new mobile phone and/or line, please contact tech.support@lse.ac.uk, referencing your school mobile number, (if ordering a replacment handset), and they will be able to assist.  Please be aware that there are some constraints on the supply of mobile phones due to component shortages.

The standard school handset is the latest iPhone SE, which will meet most staff needs as they offer a good degree of security and value for money.  The budget holder may request an alternative iPhone if they are satisfied that any additional expense would offer best value for the School.

Please refer to the tariff pages to view the mobile charges: https://info.lse.ac.uk/staff/divisions/dts/services/LSE-mobile-tariff

If you wish to buy a mobile phone without a school mobile contract, then there will be a "benefit in kind" tax implication, and you will need to seek advice and approval from the Finance Division before we would be able to proceed with an order.

All handsets must be returned to DTS for recycling or disposal if they are no longer required for school business.  This is to ensure that they are securely wiped and recycled.

As an alternative to a mobile phone number, you can request a landline number and it will be associated with Microsoft Teams.  This will allow you to make and receive external telephone calls via the Teams client on your PC/laptop, or via the Teams app on a mobile phone.  To request this, please contact tech.support@lse.ac.uk.


The default option for printing at LSE are the shared Multi-Functional Devices (MFD's) that can be used by all staff, students and visitors.  For more information on the School's printer policy, please click here.

Purchase requests for desktop printers will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances by a user first completing a Desktop printer request form.  Desktop printer purchases cannot be claimed on expenses.

The LSE does not provide printers for printing at home.

How to set up your new Mac and Windows guides: