Keeping safe on campus

The aim of this section is to provide important safety information.
The main School reception in the Old Building is staffed 24 hours per day.

LSE Security have produced a handy Staying Safe booklet

Pick up a copy of the Staying Safe booklet at any campus reception or view onliine / download a copy of the pdf.


Students should report all accidents, incidents or near misses on campus to Security or the administrators in their Department. If you require an ambulance, call 999 (UK emergency services number) and then call Security on 666 (from internal phone) or 020 7955 6555 from your mobile. More information on accident and incident reporting can be found on the Health and safety web pages.

Bike safety

LSE provides secure day use bike park facilities in the basement of  Pankhurst/Fawcett House and Marshall Building.

These are free to use and you can gain access with your LSE card.

Other options are the numerous bike racks around campus, further details can be found on the cycling page.

it is advisable to use either a diamond rated “Sold Secure” endorsed padlock and chain or D-lock - check here to see if your current lock is approved or to find an approved lock.Take a note of your bike's serial number (usually found on the underside of the bike frame) and look out for free bike security marking by the police and mechanical checks (Dr Bike pop ups) during the School term.

Cash machines (ATMs)

When on Campus use the cash machines situated on Houghton Street (next to Wright's Bar) or inside the Post Office at 95 Aldwych.

Stay with friends, especially when walking at night or stopping to get money from a cash machine.

If anyone approaches you when you are using a cash machine do not be distracted; immediately cancel your transaction, remove your card and walk away - notify campus Security or Police.

Fire procedures

On hearing the fire alarm signal, all persons must leave the building they are in promptly and make their way to the appropriate assembly point (pdf) for that building. Note: in  CBG, CKK, FAW, PAN, PEL and SAW there is an additional signal for occupants to prepare to evacuate. If you hear this signal, you should wait for the full alarm before leaving.

People should not attempt to re-enter the building until they have been directed by a member of Security staff that it is safe to do so. For more information please see the Fire Safety web page

Anyone who has a disability or medical condition (whether temporary or permanent) that could affect their ability to respond to a fire alarm and leave a building using staircases should contact the Fire Safety Officer so that a personal emergency evacuation plan can be developed for them.

Fire alarm testing schedule

To find out when to expect the fire alarm testing in your building please check the schedule (PDF).


If you need first-aid for a minor injury on campus call Security by dialling 666 from an internal phone or 020 7955 6555 from your mobile. For more serious injuries call the emergency services directly by dialling 999 or 112 to summon an ambulance.  You must then let Security know so that they can direct the ambulance crew to the correct location.

There are 7 defibrillators on campus located at the receptions in CBG, CKK, LRB, MAR, OLD, PAN, SAL and there is also one located in SAW (SU Gym).

Laptop safety

If you are going out for a drink, don’t take your laptop with you. Use the secure laptop storage room in OLD G.15.

Use tracking software on your laptop. There are free applications that you can download, we recommend


LSE Library is safe working environment but you must look after your personal belongings when working there.

Never leave your belongings unattended, even for a short period of time.


Do not use lifts if the fire alarm sounds, unless directed by Security.  Do not overload lifts.  Information on what to do if the lift breaks down is displayed in the lift. Some buildings are served by platform lifts. If you observe a fault with a lift please report it to Estates Help Desk.


Lockers on campus
Locker TypeLocationAccessAllocationRequirements/CostAvailable
Cyclist MAR B1.04 LSE card First come first served Key code lock
No charge
Day use
folding bike lockers
MAR B1.04 LSE card First come first served Key code lock
No charge
Day use
General use MAR B2 outside changing rooms   First come first served Key code lock 
No charge
Day use
General use OLD basement (red lockers outside B.10)    First come first served Key code lock
No charge
Day use
General use   OLD B.27 LSE card First come first served  Padlock min 6.3mm hasp (can be purchased from LSE Shop) 
Conditions of Use (pdf)
Academic year
General use SAW 2.05   First come first served £15 deposit From SU reception SAW 3rd floor
Gym users SAW 4th floor (changing rooms)   First come, first served £1 coin required (refundable)
For gym users only, when using the gym.
 Day use
Gym users SAW 4th floor (outside changing rooms)   First come, first served £1 coin required.
For gym users only, when using the gym.
 Day use
Gym users, squash courts/sports hall users MAR B2 changing rooms (M/F)   First come, first served Key code lock
No charge.
 Day use
Laptop OLD G.15 LSE card First come first served No charge  

Property lost and found

Lost and found property is handled by LSE Security and the first point of call is the Old Building reception. The Property Office is located in the basement of Old Building in room OLD B.23 and opening times are Monday - Thursday, 9.30am - 1.30pm. For more information see the Property lost and found web page.

Remember this is an open campus
The School is one of the few institutions in central London to maintain an open campus policy.  This means that throughout the day many School buildings are open.  This provides a free and collegiate atmosphere that many in the School enjoy.  We are keen that you enjoy this too, but always bear in mind that the School is a public place and cannot be treated as your home.  You would not leave your valuables unattended on a park bench and you should not leave them unattended in the Library, the Garrick Cafe or any other public area of the School.

Smoking policy

Smoking, which includes electronic vaping and herbal cigarettes, is prohibited inside all buildings on campus and all LSE halls of residence, residents' rooms and any other building or facility managed by the School. 

The prohibition extends to building terraces, entrances, including doorways, steps and ramps and external fire escape stairways and escape routes.(Ashbins are positioned just outside the entrance to buildings, these are provided so that smokers can dispose of their cigarette materials before they enter the building, not for people to smoke at the entrances of buildings.)  Bins to recycle empty vapes are located at the reception of CBG and SAW.  View the full policy...