You can find information about General Course and GO LSE course selection in the Undergraduate Course Selection Student Guide here.
Autumn Term
Please note that the following information applies to Autumn Term course selection only:
To select a course that is part of your programme:
1. Log into LSE for You using your LSE username and password.
2. Navigate to "Selection of Courses" option in the left hand menu.
3. Choose the paper you want to select courses for and click 'change selected course'.
4. Select the course you'd like to take for that paper and click 'click here to choose selected courses' at the bottom of the page.
5. Repeat this process until you have made all of your course selections for all papers.
6. When you have finished click 'Click here to make this your new Selection of Courses'.
All course selections are subject to approval from your Academic Mentor, availability and timetabling constraints.
To select an unlisted course that is outside of the listed options:
1. Complete steps 1-3 as above.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Request unlisted course' button.
3. Select whether you wish to take 1 whole unit course or 2 half unit courses and click 'continue'.
4. Type the code of the course you wish to take into the text box and click 'Fetch'.
5. Click 'continue' to apply to take the retrieved course.
6. Read the terms and conditions carefully and click 'I agree' to continue.
7. Write an explanation of the academic reasons for applying to take an unlisted course and click 'submit request'.
8. You then need to complete and return a 'Course with Permission' form to the Dean of the General Course and Global Mobility. The form is available to download on the Courses with Permission webpage.
9. Follow the advice on the Courses with Permission webpage carefully to ensure that the form is completed correctly.
10. If your request is approved, the course will be added to your LFY course selections and timetable within five working days.
Outside options are subject to approval, availability and timetabling constraints.
Winter Term (Course Change)
1. Complete the UG Winter Term Course Change form.
2. Collect the relevant approvals on the back of the form.
3. Return the completed form to the Dean by the deadline listed under 'Course Selection Dates' below. Any forms received after the deadline will be returned unprocessed.