Find out about booking and collecting your ceremony tickets, hiring your gown, photography opportunities and your post-ceremony reception
- Find out when your ceremony is taking place:
Summer: July 2025
Winter: December 2025
Students with debts to LSE
If you owe money to LSE you must clear this before your ceremony. If you have a debt you will not be allowed to participate in the Graduation Ceremonies. For further information please read the School's credit management policy.
Opting out of the ceremony brochure (and other merchandise) listings.
As part of the ceremonies all students and guests are given a 'ceremony brochure'. This brochure celebrates the success of everybody involved and includes a listing of all students due to graduate in that set of ceremonies, irrespective of whether they have booked to attend. Some merchandise is also produced by the LSE Shop for the graduating cohorts. The deadline for opting out will be in the invitation.