Internal Readmission

for first year undergraduates only

Internal Readmission is for first year undergraduate students who wish to leave their current programme but are not permitted to transfer degree in the normal way.


In most cases, students who wish to transfer from one degree programme to another will need to follow the instructions on the programme transfer web pages.

Internal readmission is for first year undergraduate students only who find during their first year of studies that they don’t wish to continue their current programme but are not permitted to transfer degree. 

Please note that the deadline for the request form to be submitted to the SSC with all fields completed is the end of Friday 16 August 2024. 

Who can use internal readmission?

Internal Readmission is for first year undergraduate students who wish to leave their current programme but are not permitted to transfer degree in the normal way as outlined in the programme transfer web pages, or who cannot reapply through Undergraduate Admissions for a new programme starting the following September. This may be because:

  • The Autumn Term course selection period has already passed.
  • The student cannot transfer into the second year of the programme the following academic year. This would usually be because their current first year courses are not a sufficiently close match for the first year courses of the programme they want to transfer to. 
  • The deadline for applications through Undergraduate Admissions for the following academic year has already closed (this usually happens in mid-January).

Please note that acceptance onto the new programme is subject to your previous qualifications and to there being space on the programme that you want to move to.

Internal readmission is not available to students who have final failed their degree.

Process Overview

  1. Speak to your Academic Mentor or the Departmental Tutor for your current programme to discuss whether this is the right decision for you.

  2. Contact the Departmental Tutor for the programme that you want to change to, to check if they are willing to accept you onto that programme.

  3. If the Departmental Tutor for the new programme is willing to consider your application, please carefully read the information on the Internal Readmission form, and then complete Section 2 of the form. You should be able to complete the form online using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader which can be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe website.

  4. If you are studying on a student visa, please get visa advice from the LSE Student Advice and Engagement team and then complete section 3 of the form.

  5. Forward the form to the Departmental Tutor for the new programme so that they can complete Section 4 of the form to approve the change.

  6. Once section 4 is completed, forward the form to Undergraduate Admissions so that they can complete Section 5 of the form.

  7. Once Section 5 of the form is completed, forward the form to your current Academic Mentor or Departmental Tutor so that they can complete Section 6 of the form.

  8. Once all the Sections of the form have been completed apart from Section 7, please forward the completed form to the Student Services Centre as an attachment to a message sent via our SSC Enquiry Form.

  9. The SSC will then withdraw you from your current programme with effect from the last attendance date that is written in Section 6 of the form.

  10. You will then be returning to LSE as a new student on the new programme at the start of the following academic year. We will contact you with information about re-enrolling on the new programme closer to the start of the new academic year. 

Important things to note

  • You cannot carry over marks and grades from courses you have already studied to the new degree. If your new degree programme contains courses that you have already taken in your current programme, you will have to take the courses again. This includes LSE100. 
  • You can, if you wish, continue your current degree programme until the end of the year. Please note however that, as mentioned above, you can’t carry over marks from your current courses to the new degree programme. Also, you will of course save money in tuition fees and living costs by withdrawing from your current programme earlier.
  • The internal readmission process withdraws you permanently from your current programme, and then you start on your new programme as a new student. This means that you will be liable to pay fees at the rate for new students for the academic year you start the new programme. For more information please see the table of fees

Important information for Student visa holders

  • If your internal readmission is approved, you will not be able to start your new programme on your current Student visa.
  • You will be required to withdraw from your current programme once the internal readmission is approved. This means that you will be reported to the UKVI as having withdrawn from your studies and sponsorship of your visa will be removed.  Further information on what happens when you withdraw from your programme can be found on the following web page:

    When you have your visa
  • You will only be able to apply for your new visa from overseas because you do not meet the academic progression requirements to apply for a new visa in the UK.
  • You will only be able to apply for your new visa when Undergraduate Admissions have issued you with a new CAS.
  • Undergraduate Admissions may not be able to issue you with a new CAS if you will be in excess of the five year cap on degree level studies.
  • You should not plan to undertake any internships or work opportunities in the UK during the summer if you plan to apply for an internal readmission.  You will not have a visa in place enabling you to work and you will need to plan to return overseas to apply for your new visa in time to campus enrol for your new programme.