As you enter the final year of your programme you will need to begin thinking about the preparation for submitting your thesis and your viva examination.
Examination entry
As you enter your final year you should discuss the exam entry process with your supervisor you should start completing the Examination Entry form with your supervisor.
Your supervisor is responsible for nominating your examiners although it is likely that he/she will discuss possible nominations with you to ensure they are the most appropriate choice.
Completed entry forms should be returned to the PhD Academy at least two months in advance of submitting your thesis: this is to allow sufficient time for your examiners to be formally appointed and to avoid potential delays to the examination (see below). If you are unable to meet this deadline, please seek advice from a member of the PhD Academy team.
Once we have received your completed examination entry form, the examiner nominations are sent to the relevant subject panel for approval. We will then formally invite the examiners to act.
Until the examiners have confirmed with the PhD Academy that they can act, they are not appointed as your examiners. Therefore, we cannot send your thesis to them until that time and no arrangements for the viva examination should be agreed.
In cases where an examiner nomination is not approved or an examiner is no longer able to act, supervisors will need to nominate a new examiner using the replacement examiner nomination form.
If you require additional arrangements for your viva, you should note this on your Exam Entry Form and a member of the PhD Academy team will contact you about this. If you already have an Inclusion/Adjustment Plan, it is recommended that you make contact with the Disability and Wellbeing Service 6 months prior to your submission date to discuss what arrangements you need for the viva. An updated copy of the Inclusion/Adjustment Plan should be provided to the PhD Academy. You are encouraged to speak with a member of the PhD Academy team about your additional viva arrangements.
Please submit a query to set up a remote meeting with a member of the team, stating your availability and specifying whether you would like the meeting to be via Zoom or Teams
If you wish to apply for the Graduate Route post study visa, you should note this on your Exam Entry Form. You are advised to speak with the Student Advice and Engagement Team about the visa process. After receiving advice from the Student Advice and Engagement Team, please contact the PhD Academy to discuss the examination process and the visa scheme.