Policies and procedures

LSE's policies, procedures, regulations and other essential documents.

While all policies are primarily aimed at staff and students, the majority have been made publicly available to support transparency and good governance.

To add or revise an existing document please contact Ethan Faith (mailto:e.faith@lse.ac.uk). Alternative formats are also available on request

All School policies are indexed through the LSE search engine. To browse through policies, please use the subject groupings below, or search on the A to Z page

A list of policies by document group is available here

Please note:

The Independent Review of Spin-out Companies by the Government in conjunction with TenU’s USIT Life Sciences Guide and USIT for Software Guide have been welcomed by LSE as important steps in convening best practice in the development and creation of spin-outs within the sector, building on an UK HE ecosystem that has already proven to be highly productive and successful. LSE recognises the need for transparency to support effective partnerships for maximum value and impact from spin-out creation for all parties, hence our IP Policy has been available on our public website since it was approved.

 LSE will continue to develop our policies in light of the recent guidance, seeking to work with other research organisations and with ASPECT members to ensure that best practice and a shared understanding is generated to better serve the social sciences and humanities, where the creation of Intellectual Property is not generally the basis of a spin out, mission-led enterprises are common, and opportunity development cycles are longer than for STEM-based spin-outs. LSE remains committed to improving the spin-out and commercialisation experience of our entrepreneurs, investors and partners.    

Competitions and Market Authority (CMA) 

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion



Finance and Planning

Governance and Legal

Academic Annex
Advisory Boards Guidance  
Alumni Misconduct Procedure 
Archives Policy
Articles of Association [for byelaws associated with the Academic Annex, see the separate Academic Annex file]
Bribery and Fraud policy
Bye Laws
Code of good practice on free speech 
Code of good practice on department governance
Committee Effective Behaviour Statement
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Contracts guidance
Council Committee Standing Orders
Council Standing Orders
Counselling service confidentiality statement
Database Purging Procedure
Data Breach Procedure
Data controller versus Data Processor 
Data protection and contracts
Data Protection and Criminal Offences
Data Protection and information management
Data Protection and research
Data Protection of Commercial Research Policy
Data Protection Guidance: Anonymisation and Data Protection Research
Data Protection Guidance: Anonymisation and Pseudonymisation 
Data Protection Guidance: Data Controller Versus Data Processor
Data Protection Guidance: Biometric Research Data Policy
Data Protection Guidance: Blogging and Data Protection
Data Protection Guidance: Clean Up for Outlook folders
Data Protection Guidance: Communicating with special categories data subjects
Data Protection Guidance: Creating Privacy Notices general
Data Protection Guidance: Creating Privacy Notices for Marketing
Data Protection Guidance: Data Protection and HR related emails and documents
Data Protection Guidance: Data Protection and Contracts
Data Protection Guidance: Determining who needs to know about personal data
Data Protection Guidance:DfE data Access form Data Protection sections
Data Protection Guidance: Email retention and management
Data Protection Guidance: Exams and Data Protection 
Data Protection Guidance: Handling requests for data from police
Data Protection Guidance: Help! I've lost my laptop.
Data Protection Guidance: How to apply the Data Protection principles in your work
Data Protection Guidance: Managing electronic data deletion
Data Protection Guidance: Managing requests for data deletion
Data Protection Guidance: Online Survey Retention
Data Protection Guidance: Passport Scans and other photo ID
Data Protection Guidance: Personal Data on Mobile Devices
Data Protection Guidance: Publishing personal data on the website
Data Protection Guidance: Research Data Roles for Data Protection
Data Protection Guidance: Sending Emails to the Wrong Person
Data Protection Guidance: Sharepoint Sites Policy
Data Protection Guidance: Social media, data protection and research
Data Protection Guidance: Unsuccessful applications policy
Data Protection Guidance: Website Takedown Policy
Data Protection Guidance: What is confidential information
Data Protection Guidance: What is restricted information
Data Protection Guidance: When does a request for information become a subject access request
Data Protection Guidance: Where you must use FileDrop
Data Protection Impact Assessment Policy
Data Protection Impact Assessment [form]
Data Protection policy 
Destruction of physical records
Disciplinary Procedure for students
Discrimination, Harassement and Bullying Policy
Eligibility For Scholarships By Nationality
Email Diversion Procedure
File and folder management
FOI guide for making requests
FOI guide for staff
Gender segregation
Information Assets and Records Management Policy
Information Governance Use of Office365
Managing LSESU requests for M365 stored information
Managing Personal Data Off-Campus
Marketing events and publications - Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) Guidance
Modern Slavery Statement 
Office365 global search procedure
Physical Mail Policy
Procedure for Considering Allegations of Harassement from Students Against Members of Staff
Procedure - Legal Hold
Records management policy [See Information Assets and Records Management Policy]
Retention of financial documents
Retention of Research Data once Staff have left
Retention of unused SharePoint sites 

Retention schedule
Scheme of Delegation [Internal Only]
Scheme of Delegated Legal Authority
Smoking Policy
Student Accommodation Disciplinary Code
Student Complaints Procedure
Student Drugs and Alcohol Policy
Student Drugs and Alcohol Procedure
Subject Access Request Process and Procedure (GDPR)
Supplier Code of Practice

Human Resources

Apprenticeships Policy
Academic Annex
Academic Staff Reward Committee: Annual Contribution Pay
Additional Payments Policy and Procedure
Adoption policy
Advance payments for Tier 2 applicants
Alcohol and drugs policy and procedure
Annual Leave Policy (PSS)
Annual Performance Review of (Full) Professors Guidelines 
Appeals policy and procedure for Academic Support staff
British Petroleum (BP) Centennial Professors Scheme
Buyout Policy
Capability health policy and procedure for academic support staff
Capability performance policy and procedure for professional services staff
CDR Guidance: Academic, Research, Policy, Teaching and ECT staff who are no longer on probation
Core Business in Core Hours Policy
Dignity at Work Statement
Disciplinary Policy for Professional Services Staff
Education Probationary Review Scheme
Emeritus Policy
Etiquette Policy for Email and other Online Communication Tools
Flexible Working Policy and Procedure
Frontier Working Policy and Cross Border Working Policy
Guidance for the Employment of Graduate Teaching Assistants, Guest Teachers and Emeritus Teachers for departments and staff
Guidelines for Promotion to and within the New Research Staff Career
Guidelines for Promotions to Research Officer and Research Fellow
Guidelines for Promotion of Assistant and Associate Professors (Education)
Guidelines for Review and Promotion of Assistant and Associate Professors
Immigration Policy
LSE Centennial Professors Scheme
Maternity, adoption or shared parental leave (MASPL) - procedure for cover arrangements
Managing Staff Changing Role
Mentoring Guidance: Academic, Research, Policy, Teaching and ECT staff who are no longer on probation and LSE Fellows (post-doctoral)
Named Chairs Policy
Organisational Change Policy
Overseas Working Policy
Parental leave
Paternity/ Partner's leave
Pay Supplements Policy: Academic Staff
Pay Supplements Policy: Professional Services Staff
Policy and Procedure on Personal Relationships
Policy Fellow Career Track Promotion
Policy on the Support for Carers
Professionally Qualified Faculty Scheme 
Professional Services Grading Policy
Professional Services Grading Procedure
Professional Services Salaried Staff Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure
Professional Services Staff Contribution Pay Guidelines
Professional Services Staff Starting Salary Policy and Procedure
Recruitment and Selection Policy
Redeployment Policy and Procedure
Relocation Policy
Remuneration Policy For Faculty
Responsibility allowance
Retirement Policy
Sabbatical policy
Secondment for professional services staff
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy
Shared parental leave
Single nomination
Special Leave Policy 
Spotlight Prizes Guideline
Transitioning at work: guidance for staff and managers
Trans Staff and Student Policy
Visiting Appointments Scheme

Information Technology

Access control policy
Administrators Code of Practice [Internal]
Application control policy [Internal]
Associate Accounts [Internal]
Anti-virus software on LSE computers
Application to use IT facilities at LSE 
Asset management policy [Internal]
Associate Accounts [Internal]
Microsoft Copilot Guidelines [Internal]
Staff Personal Device Policy [Internal]
Centralised Email Deletion [Internal]
ChatGPT Basic Security Guidance [Internal]
Cloud Assurance Questions (form)
Commissioning Cloud Applications [Internal]
Communications Room Physical Security [Internal]
Compromised Accounts Policy [Internal]
Conditions of use of IT facilities at LSE
Conditions of use of the residences network
Confidential Information Transfer [Internal]
Database Security [Internal]
Database Vendors
Data Encryption requirements for end users [Internal]
Electronic Data Retention and Purging
Electronic messaging policy [Internal]
Email Address Conventions [Internal]
Email Etiquette Guidance
Encrypted Authentication Policy [Internal]
End User Equipment Policy
Firewall Ruleset Management Policy [Internal]
Hosting Non-Standard Websites and Internet-facing Services [Internal]
Information security classification standard 
Information security policy
Laptop Hard Drive Encryption [Internal]
Log Retention Policy [Internal]
Mail Relay [Internal]
Managing Staff Changing Role [Internal]
Mass Research Survey Policy [Internal]
Minimum Standards [Internal]
Minimum Standards: Device Level Security [Internal]
Minimum Standards: Data Processing Outside EEA (Collaborators) [Internal]
Minimum Standards: Data Processing Outside EEA (Consultants) [Internal]
Mobile Device Security Management [Internal]
Monitoring and logging policy [Internal]
Multi-factor Authenticating Policy [Internal] [Under review]
Network Connection Policy [Internal]
Office365 Account Deletion Policy
Password Policy [Internal]
Patch Management [Internal]
Payment Card Gateways [Internal]
PCI-DSS Cardholder Data Environments
PCI DSS Compliance
Proof of Concepts, Prototypes and Pilots
Protocol To Be Followed By DTS In The Event Of The Death Of A Staff or Student [Internal]
Remote access policy [Internal]
Server-Side Encryption [Internal]
SharePoint team sites provision [Internal]
Software Version Control [Internal]
Technology Resources for Journals [Internal]
Temporary Technology Solutions
Use of Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) to protect LSE systems, identities and data [Internal]
User accounts policy [Internal]
VPN Access Control Policy [Internal]
Vulnerability Management Policy
Wireless Device Policy [Internal]

Intellectual Property


The Independent Review of Spin-out Companies by the Government in conjunction with TenU’s USIT Life Sciences Guide and USIT for Software Guide have been welcomed by LSE as important steps in convening best practice in the development and creation of spin-outs within the sector, building on an UK HE ecosystem that has already proven to be highly productive and successful. LSE recognises the need for transparency to support effective partnerships for maximum value and impact from spin-out creation for all parties, hence our IP Policy has been available on our public website since it was approved.

 LSE will continue to develop our policies in light of the recent guidance, seeking to work with other research organisations and with ASPECT members to ensure that best practice and a shared understanding is generated to better serve the social sciences and humanities, where the creation of Intellectual Property is not generally the basis of a spin out, mission-led enterprises are common, and opportunity development cycles are longer than for STEM-based spin-outs. LSE remains committed to improving the spin-out and commercialisation experience of our entrepreneurs, investors and partners.    

Intellectual Property Policy
Intellectual Property Policy FAQ
Lecture Recording Policy

Internal Only documents 

Some School documents are only available to staff. 

To access 'Internal Only' documents, click here


Citation Guide for the Faculty Information Form
Code of Research Conduct
Governance of Research 
Informed Consent
LSE statement on the responsible use of citation metrics
Open Access Publications Policy
Principles of Authorship
Research Data Management Policy

Research Data Management Toolkit
Research Data Retention Guidance
Research Ethics Policy and Procedures
LSE Research Exchange (RX) and use of CareerHub
Research Grants Policy (The Research Grants Policy has been in full effect from 1 August 2021 and applies partially to awards falling prior to this date but after the suspension of the Research Incentives Policy in June 2020).
Research Incentives Policy (The Research Incentives Policy was suspended in June 2020 and remains active only for eligible legacy projects. It has been replaced by the Research Grants Policy).
Research infrastructure and investment funds
Research Tools Minimum Standards

Risk and Compliance


Student Regulations


Executive Office

16 9 ratio-Houghton_Street_0061

Ethics Code

16 9 ratio-Teaching_Symposium_0079

Contact us


+44 20 7955 6481


Executive Office, Centre Building 11th Floor, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE